Tuesday, March 29, 2005


Yup, we've left the world of gorgeous lakes and stunning mountains peppered with amazing glaciers behind and after a 14 hour bus journey we´re at the sea, in a land of flat.
the horizon is now miles away...
its really weird.

we are in scuba capital of argentina here... boats leaving the beach to take them somewhere ... who knows .... I haven´t been tempted yet.
there´s so much more to do.

We have been filling our time up with watching Orcas chasing sea lions, penguins up real close and the biggest sea elephants I have ever seen. If any of you have seen (or read) Dune - and that´s probably only a handful of you - it reminded me of the worms. Took him about 4 worm-like slithers to make the edge of the sea. and he seemed exhausted - the sort of flump he made at the end of each bout of exertion reminded me of the times when I was recovering from a hangover on the couch on a sunday afternoon and the remote control was just out of reach, reach reach just get it and then flump...

We went down to Punta Tomba to see more Penguins and this time they were up close . I wouldn't say you could get eyeball to eyeball as they are so wee/ ickle/ small (delete as appropriate), but certainly they were close enough to peck your privates if they got the mind too.

Afterwards we went to Gaiman to look at the Welsh (BTW well done wales although the Irish certainly won the 2nd Row Battle, roll on the lions - henson/ o'driscoll???)
Anyway, it was a really bizarre peaceful place. After miles and miles of a really arid landscape you come over the crest of a hill and the whole valley is green.
A lot of streetnames are Miguel Jones and there was an Oscar Thomas, Welsh language peppers the signs and dragons and wels flags flutter everywhere.
For some reason Welsh (!!?) Cream Teas are the tourist thing. But you can´t just do 1 cream bun you have to do the whole lot.
So rather than fatten up we wandered around a bizzare theme/ sculpture park made from rubbish.
It made sense at the time.

Anyway, we´re now off up north to the high mountains via cordoba.
Am hoping that the bus journey up combined with some Bariloche acclimitization will hold me in good stead and there won´t be any HACE HAPE Brekenridge experiences.

This time I have added some photo´s for you.

Hope all is well back there and this relative flood of info makes up for the two weeks drought!



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